Composing Utilities
Create your own subset of utilities.
By default the x
namespace exposed in xstyled has all utilities built-in. Sometime you may want to reduce your bundle size by choosing only utilities you need.
Create a new namespace
You can't modify the x
namespace but you can easily create your own namespace using createX
. It allows you to create a namespace from an utility:
import { createX, fontSize } from '@xstyled/...' import { borderInline } from './border-inline' const x = createX(fontSize) // Only "fontSize" is usable <x.div fontSize="10px" />
Compose utilities
Compose utilities using compose
import { createX, compose, fontSize, fontWeight } from '@xstyled/...' import { borderInline } from './border-inline' const x = createX(compose(fontSize, fontWeight)) // "fontSize" and "fontWeight" are usable <x.div fontSize="10px" fontWeight="bold" />
Utility groups
To make it easier, utilities are organized in groups, for example typography
groups all utilities relative to text edition:
import { createX, typography } from '@xstyled/...' import { borderInline } from './border-inline' const x = createX(typography) // "fontSize", "fontWeight" and all typography utilities are available <x.div fontSize="10px" fontWeight="bold" />
Available groups
Group | Utilities |
animations | animation |
backgrounds | background ,backgroundColor ,backgroundImage ,backgroundSize ,backgroundPosition ,backgroundRepeat ,backgroundAttachment ,backgroundClip ,gradientFrom ,gradientVia ,gradientTo |
borders | border , borderColor , borderWidth , borderStyle , outline , outlineColor , outlineWidth , outlineStyle , borderRadius , divideY , divideX , divideXReverse , divideYReverse , divideColor , divideStyle , ring , ringInset , ringColor |
effects | opacity , boxShadow , textShadow |
flexboxes | alignItems , alignContent , justifyContent , justifyItems , flexWrap , flexGrow , flexShrink , flexBasis , flexDirection , flex , justifySelf , alignSelf , order |
flexboxGrids | row , col |
grids | gap , columnGap , rowGap , gridColumn , gridRow , gridAutoFlow , gridAutoColumns , gridAutoRows , gridTemplateColumns , gridTemplateRows , gridTemplateAreas , gridArea |
interactivity | appearance , cursor , pointerEvents , resize , userSelect |
layout | display , boxSizing , container , overflow , overflowX , overflowY , zIndex , position , top , right , bottom , left , visibility , overscrollBehavior , objectFit |
sizing | width , height , maxWidth , maxHeight , minWidth , minHeight |
space | margin , marginTop , marginRight , marginBottom , marginLeft , mx , my , padding , paddingTop , paddingRight , paddingBottom , paddingLeft , px , py , spaceY , spaceX , spaceXReverse , spaceYReverse |
svg | fill , stroke |
tables | borderCollapse , tableLayout |
transforms | transform , transformOrigin , translateX , translateY , rotate , skewX , skewY , scale , scaleX , scaleY |
transitions | transition , transitionProperty , transitionDuration , transitionTimingFunction , transitionDelay |
typography | fontFamily , fontSize , lineHeight , fontWeight , fontStyle , letterSpacing , color , textTransform , textDecoration , textAlign , verticalAlign , whiteSpace , textOverflow , listStyleType , listStylePosition |